The function rmmmonetPlot creates a density plot of the posterior distribution of your model parameters and the traceplot that led to this density.

monetPlot(rmm, parameter, lab = F, r = 3, sav = F)



A rmm object. rmm has to be run with monitor=T


A string with the parameter name. The internal name has to be used, which are the rownames in the rmm reg.table output.


String to describe the parameter on the graph's x-axis. Optional. If not specified, the internal parameter name is used.


Specify number of decimal places. Default equals 3.


TRUE or FALSE (default). If TRUE, the graph is saved to the current working directory as .png


Returns a plot. The solid vertical is at 0 and the dashed vertical line is the mode of the posterior distributions.


Benjamin Rosche <>


data(coalgov) m1 <- rmm(Surv(govdur, earlyterm) ~ 1 + mm(id(pid, gid), mmc(fdep), mmw(w ~ 1/offset(n), constraint=1)) + majority + hm(id=cid, name=cname, type=RE, showFE=F), family="Weibull", monitor=T, data=coalgov)
#> module glm loaded
#> Compiling model graph #> Resolving undeclared variables #> Allocating nodes #> Graph information: #> Observed stochastic nodes: 581 #> Unobserved stochastic nodes: 843 #> Total graph size: 13386 #> #> Initializing model #>
monetPlot(m1, parameter="b.l1")